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Found 10682 results for any of the keywords equatorial sundials. Time 0.007 seconds.
Equatorial Sundials - Glenview Products %Equatorial Sundials. various sizes and designs all suitable for the Southern hemisphere. some made from Brass some from a combination of iron and brass.
Sun Dials - Glenview ProductsSun Dials were one of the earlest devices deveoped to measure the time. Three of these devices were known as Armillary, Horizontal and Equatorial Sun Dials
Products Archive - Glenview ProductsEverything you are searching for. Copper weathervanes polished aged. Sundials windsocks too. Rain gauges even model windmills
Water Pumps - Glenview ProductsWater Pumps used in the early days of settlement. To pump the water needed for survival. the were used to raise the water from wells and water tables.
Weathervanes - Glenview ProductsAustralian made weathervanes. Imported weathervanes. Made from Copper, Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium and Uv Protected Plastic
Windsocks - Glenview ProductsWindsocks for Airports, Higways and Heliports. Windsocks used for Occupational Health and Safety. Wind Direction Indicators. All sizes with frames to match.
Windmills - Glenview ProductsBuy model windmills from Glenview Products Call +61 0411 732 950. Browse through our selection of garden windmills online.
Spinning Happy Daisies - Glenview ProductsSpinning Happy Daisies. These delightful spinning daisies will add colour ane movement to your garden and home. Maintainence free.
Armillary Globes and Spheres - Glenview ProductsArmillary Globes and Spheres possibly the oldest astronomical device. Its form was of a skeletal sphere, the rings representing the circles of the heavens.
Rain Gauges - Glenview ProductsRain Gauges They need to beout in theopen in a clear and unobstructed position if you are going to accurately measure and record rain fall.
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